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Frontend Data Flow

Big Picture

Mental Model

Here is how I think about what pieces of the app are responsible for what

draft eventQuick, understandable, testableminimal schemadraft functions
event (frontend)exhaustive copy of event from backendnormalizes GET response, exhaustive schemaRedux store
middlewareconvert draft -> regular eventadds/derives values & validates against types/schemasfrontend typescript functions
event (backend)validates event and persistszod, node, mongoDB, exhaustive schema/backend package

Visual summary of the above: DataFlow.png

For more context about this pattern, see this PR discussion

Redux Data Flow

The frontend uses Redux, Redux Saga, and React to manage state. It can be difficult to understand how all of this fits together. This might help.

On Startup

Store & Dispatch initialized


  • each slice is initialized with name, props, and reducer
  • all slices/reducers are combined into an eventsReducer -> store/reducers.ts
  • those events reducers are added to the global reducers object -> store/index.ts
  • adds all those reducers to the redux store
  • uses store to init RootState and AppDispatch

Runtime - Events


  • imports the global dispatch from the redux store
  • on render:
    • gets all week events: getWeekEventsSlice.actions.request(...)
  • on submit:
    • if event exists (has an id): updates:
      • editEventSlice.actions.request(...)
    • if event doesn't exist: creates:
      • createEventSlice.actions.request(...)
  • (somehow knows to go to sagas ...)


  • Getting Events:
    • getWeekEventsSaga() -> getEventsSaga using this week as params -> events/api.ts - eventsApi.getEvents - uses getEventsHelper() to get events
  • Creating Event:
    • createEventSaga() triggered
    • calls eventsApi.createEvent -> ducks/events/api.ts - eventsApi.createEvent: - creates event - creates new id, adds to running list of events in localStorage

Runtime - Someday List

Frontend finds someday events

EventsList calls getEvents() on load

SidebarEventContainer - mapStateToProps -> selectors.ts

  • finds event from entities slice